Not a member?
Find and click on your name.
  • We have increased the number of classmates on the site to 216! This is 34.1% of those of us who are still alive!
  • Sadly, we have discovered 105 deceased classmates, which can be found on the "In Memory" tab above.
  • We have sent snail mail letters via the US Postal Sevice to over 250 classmates. People have confirmed receiving letters and while many have joined the site, we have spoken to several classmates who are waiting to get closer to the event to sign up. They'll probably lose the letter by then. :-)
  • We continue to find missing classmatse on Facebook. We have found several people but it looks like many don't use it anymore.
  • We've sent emails to a few dozen folks that could not be reached otherwise. Some have been returned and some people have joined after receiving the email.
  • Thank you to the newest members of the leadership team, Pam (PJ) Barsz Stawthers and Becky Moberly Buttram for being instrumental in increasing the numbers of classmates found.

We continue to need your help finding classmates. Please reach out to anyone you keep in touch with or send us what info you have on them so we can research their whereabouts. We have middle initials from the commencement brochure, but a person's last city of residence would be helpful. We've found a lot of people in town, but if someone was married in another state or lives out of town, it's a challenge.

I know it's a long way off, but we need those who are able to purchase tickets now. We make regular payments to the venue so we need a steady stream of income. Like the credit card companies and the loan institutions, no one wants a big lump sum of money at the end! They all want regular payments on time. So, buy at least one ticket now if you can and you can always buy another one later.

:-), Thea

Lawrence Central High School
Class of 1975



Welcome to the new website for the Reunion of the Lawrence Central High School Class of 1975. We hope you are as excited as we are for our 50th High School Reunion.

On the top margin there is a tab for First Time Visitors, which will walk you through the website, your profile and the benefits of your profile. Then find on the top margin the tab for Classmate Profiles. Here you will find all of the names of your graduating classmates in 1975 from Lawrence Central High School. Find your name, press on JOIN and fill in your profile information. 

If you attended Lawrence Central High School but did not graduate in 1975, we would still  love to see you. Please contact Thea or Judy or contact a member of the 1975 graduating class and come as a guest. You may use the "Contact Us" tab on the left of this page.

You may now purchase tickets by clicking on the "Purchase Tickets Here" tab at the left of this page.We are hoping that everyone will purchase tickets as soon as their finances allow. If you would like to purchase a ticket for a specific classmate, teacher, or guest, you may do that on the "Purchase Tickets Here" tab. If you click the box that the person is not a classmate, a box pops up where you can then enter the person's name. This will ensure that a name tag is produced for each ticket holder.

Thank you in advance for your support! It's going to be an amazing weekend. :-)


The LCHS Class of 1975 Reunion Committee needs your help and support.  The members of the Reunion Committee each made generous donations to establish this website and make the initial venue deposit at a site. As we continue to plan there are additional costs such as 2 cash bars, decorations, sound system, deposit, nametags and music. And finally, we hope to assist classmates who find it a financial hardship to attend the reunion.  If you are able to help, use the DONATIONS buttons left side of this page.

                                          LCHS YEARBOOKS AVAILABLE ONLINE

You can view every page of every Lawrence Central yearbook from 1942 to 2012 in digital form, thanks to the Indianapolis Public Library's digital archive.  Here is the link to our senior yearbook. Simply cut and paste in your browser.


Weekend Reunion Activities 

Friday: Golf Outing at Old Oakland Golf Club (Owned by Betty (Hall) and Steve Sterret)

Friday Evening: Pre-Reunion Gathering, Saxony Pizzaria, Fishers (Owned by Doug Martin)

Saturday: Tour of newly remodeled Lawrence Central (Paid for by the taxpayers!)

Saturday Evening: Our spectacular and memorable Reunion Dinner, Embassy Suites, Noblesville

Sunday: On your own with all your newly reconnected classmates



LC 50th Class Reunion

 Committee Chairs


Co-Chairs,  Judy Vigus and Thea Emard Campbell

Treasurer, Doug Martin

Fundraising, Brad Polak

Venue Research and Selection, Brad Polak, Judy Vigus, Thea Emard Campbell

Social Media Specialists, Kellie Kilrain, Larry MacLellan and Bill Sanders

Website Creation, Karin Polak

Decorations/Theme, Vicki Priest Shafer and Dee Matthias Thompson

In Memory, Denise Hogard Boyles, Vicki Theil Miller. Becky Moberly Buttram, and Pam (PJ) Barsz Strawthers

Golf Tournament Manager, Betty Hall Sterrett

Liaison with LC Foundation, Dee Matthias Thompson

Photographer, Dave McKalip

Name Tags and Donor Recognition Board, Julie Osburn Kukolla

MC/Comedy Gig, John Luginbill

Registration Table, Lee Ann Theofanis Greisl and Amy Campbell McDowell

Saturday Tour of Remodeled LC, Sandy Kennedy Groninger 

Website Monitor,  Mary Beth Sprowls Cross

Classmate Outreach,  Pam (PJ) Barsz Strawther

Blast from the Past Table/Boards, Position Available


